Quarter 7

With six previous issues under our belts, we thought it was time to give Quarter a little facelift, so you may notice a few changes to the format, which we believe adds even more energy and style to the magazine!
Based on feedback from the last magazine, which was filled with neutral, edgy and urban ranges, Issue 7 is here to get you in the mood for summer with a host of colourful, bright and playful products like Halogen and Trench.
As well as these vivid and dynamic new ranges, we have also themed this edition around shape and you are sure to be inspired by some interesting formats such as hexagons, trapeziums, chevrons and an intriguing cog shaped tile from the Global range.
Finally we have picked out a collection of amazing projects that we have had the privilege of working on recently including Factory 2050, The Passage and Drake & Morgan at King's Cross